Who the Hell is maadjurguer?

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I like to ski, mountain bike, drink beer, cook and listen to any jam band I can get my hands on; all while making a complete ass of myself. Hopefully this catharsis is as interesting to others as it is to me.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Trail Fixed

In my last post, I ranted about Trail sanitizers. I took matters into my own hands, spent some money and made up some laminated fliers. I rode out to Hawes this morning and put up a sign at every trailhead post and then, with BullitTom's help from the MTBR Forum...we put the rock back to it's original configuration. That sucker was heavy...but we made it. Here are some of the pics. I feel so much better now....and hopefully the sanitizers get the picture and stop their heinous acts.

The scene...note fresh dirt to left of trail...this is the hole where a cool boulder used to be that required you to have some very basic control over yourself as you passed, otherwise you would hang your shoe off of it, or it would grab your derailleur as you climbed passed it.....in no way an obstacle...just one of many challenges on the trail which made it fun.

The hole

The Rock

The fix looking up trail

The fix with sign looking down trail


Anonymous said...

good on ya, man. sorry couldn't hook up this weekend, life got in the way.

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